Folow us on Twitter -- See all our updates from our blog and facebook in one spot
Check us out on Facebook -- See our photos, information on what is happening and more
American Quarter Horse Association -- Largest Horse Registry
Jockey Club -- Registers Thoroughbreds
American Paint Horse Association -- Registers Paint Horses of Paint, QH and TB breeding
Pinto Horse Association of America -- Registers Pinto colored horses of all sizes but drafts
Appaloosa Horse Club -- Registers Appaloosa Horses
Quarter Horse Directory -- We list our breeding facilities and Stallions here
Foal Color Predictor -- Plug in the color of the sire and dam and get the % chance on the color of their foal -- We list most of our horses for sale on, it is nice and easy to use -- We also list most of our horses on dream horse
Horse Topia -- Another great horse advertising service we use
Horse Channel -- Great resource for horse lovers -- Supplier of Tack and other horse and ranch supplies
The Horse -- Resourse for horse lovers about horse health
EquiSearch -- Publisher of Horse and Rider along with other magazines
Highland Grove Farm -- Family Owned Farm Near Hitterdal, MN
National Quarter Horse Registry -- Registers and double registers Quarter Horses and Paints
* by posting theses links I am not necessarily endorcing these websites or businesses, just putting them out there to allow others to use and see