Dashing Dynago
1994 Black Mare
Sire: Dashing Cleat by First Down Dash (biggerst $ earner in AQHA racing)
Dam: Tru Dynago Miss by Tru Tru
This mare is tall, her offspring would look really good in the English show ring with her long legs and sleek body, but she is also bred to go fast. Dashing Dynago is the granddaugther of the largest money earning race horse, First Down Dash along with being a great granddaughter to Beduino (TB). She is also filled with Great Bloodlines such as Go Man Go and Truly Truckle on her papers.
Dashing Dynago should be bred back for 2010 to Diamond Dagger.
For Sale: $4000
Looking For Dynalight2004 Sorrel Mare
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino
Dam: Dynago Delight
This mare is a granddaughter of Chicks Beduino and built for speed. She is still young
born in 2004 with many more foaling years ahead of her.

2003 Sorrel Mare
Appendix AQHA Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino
Dam: Dynago Native by Rewarded (TB)
Check out her 2009 foal on the foal page. He is out of Folkaway and is for sale. This mare has an interesting blaze if you like variety and has a very nice body.
This mare is a granddaughter of Chicks Beduino. She is also bred with Raise A Native (TB).
2002 Sorrel Mare
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino
Dam: Rewards May Lady by Rewarded (TB)
This mare is a granddaughter of Chicks Beduino and built for speed. She is still young
born in 2002 with many more foaling years ahead of her. Also has the Raise a Native (TB) breeding who made really nice Quarter Horses in multiple disciplines.
Dynago Delight
1991 Black Mare
Sire: War's Delight by War Machine
Dam: Tru Dynago Miss
This mare is a great granddaughter to a few foundation champions found in racing, gaming and showing ring today, Top Deck (TB) and Rocket Bar (TB). Along with other names such as Go Man Go and Truly Truckle (TB).

1999 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: Rewards May Lady by Rewarded
This is another amazing granddaughter to Chicks Beduino and a great granddaughter to Raise a Native (TB). Her sire was raced, however her dam was not.

2003 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: Rewards May Lady by Rewarded
This is another amazing granddaughter to Chicks Beduino and a great granddaughter to Raise a Native (TB). Her sire was raced, however her dam was not.
1995 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Rewarded (TB) by Raise a Native (TB)
Dam: Dynago Delight by War's Delight
This is the Dam of Chicks Dynago who had her last foal Feb 14th 2009.
Dynago Native is a granddaughter of Raise A Native (TB) by Native Dancer(TB). She is 50% TB and would look really nice crossed in with some more Quarter Horse or maybe crossed with another Appendix who has recieved their full registeration.
2000 Grey Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: Artemisia by Easy Sage --(Easy Jet)
Granddaughter to Easy Jet and Chicks Beduino. Also carrying many other famous names on her papers. She has an amazing build that reflects her breeding. She is a short mare around 14.3hh and would make a great barrel racer or producer of barrel racers. She has a very attractive head and a smooth strong body.
This Mare is For Sale, asking $2250
More Information & Photos
1995 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Easy Sage by Easy Jet
Dam: CanIHaveThEveningOut by Bet I Can
Pretty Mare with Easy Jet Breeding along with Rebel Cause, Beduino, Sure Blaze and many more! Great addition to any breeding program. She is lovely and almost bay in color but is lacking true black points.
For Sale: asking $1750 neg

1994 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Rewarded (TB) by Raise a Native (TB)
Dam: Diamond's May Lady by Diamond Crest
Granddaughter of Raise A Native and has some Diamond breeding. Dam of Lookin For Lady, Lookin For Lady May and Lookin For Socks.

2004 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: Dynago Native by Rewarded (TB)
Here is another young mare with many more years of breeding. She also has the Chicks Beduino and Raise A Native Breeding, along with Dynago and War breeding.
In the photo she is shown with her 2009 foal.
2004 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: Rewards May Lady by Rewarded
Lookin For Lady May is out of Diamond's May Lady. She is another Lookin For Chicks foal so a granddaughter of Chicks Beduino. She also has Raise a Native (TB) and Diamond Crest on her papers. She is also a young mare with many more foals to come and a gorgeous hip and back.
1999 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: CanIHaveThEveningOut by Bet I Can
Chicks Beduino breeding (SI 104).
She should have enough white outside of regular areas to qualify for pinto breeding.
In the photo she is shown in the background with her 2009 filly. She is a very nice mare and breeds back easily.
Chick of the Evening is for Sale: $1500 neg
1999 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: Delightful Ruler by War's Delight
Great breeding on a great mare. Sure Blaze, Catch This Ruler, Mr. Crimson Ruler (TB), War Machine, Beduino (TB), Alamitos Bar, just to name a few that are right there on her papers.
2003 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Registered
Sire: Jet N GO by Easy Jet
Dam: Desperado Miss by ST Bar
Easy Jet breeding along with others. Three Bars right there on the papers! This mare has a really nice body but her head is not very attractive. She could make nice foals when bred to a pretty faced stallion. Amazing breeding!!
For Sale: $1500 neg
2000 Sorrel Mare
AQHA Appendix Registered
Sire: Lookin For Chicks by Chicks Beduino (SI 104)
Dam: CanIHaveThEveningOut by Bet I Can
Chicks Beduino Breeding (SI 104), double Beduino bred.
For Sale: $1750 neg

1990 Palomino Mare
Sire: Rewarded by Raise A Native (TB)
Dam: Angel by KIlgor Savage
Goldie just foaled this February 2009, she had a lovely palomino foal (Romeo), pictures of him can be found on the foal page. Goldie was broke to ride and hopefully will get a refresher and get out on the trails some in the next years. She has a very nice personality and a beautiful tone of gold. She has had around 6 foals and only 1 or 2 where not palomino or buckskin. She even had one Sooty Buckskins (Van Gogh), he can be found on the geldings page.